Week of June 28-July 3
- This week please bring a plain white t-shirt and a lemon to school
- 7/3- NO Stay and Play on Friday
- 7/4- Sierra Madre Parade
- We would love to have more parents help in the class as we are all getting adjusted to new classrooms and school. If you would like to work more days please email Jen/Jeff at participationathrns@gmail.com
What's Happening at HRNS
Purple Door
Up, Up and Away
Purple Door had a great first week transitioning away from Mommy and Daddy. They had so much fun with shaving cream, corn meal, paint, and so much more!!
We have made kites, hot hair balloons, catapults, and rockets! These kids worked on a science/art project launching art rockets!
This week was off to a great start!
Just a few reminders:
- Scrip for the 2015-2016 school year will begin on July 6.
- Please access the adult bathroom through room one; children may not accompany you in the restroom per licensing.
- Please do not forget to put sunscreen on your children and sign the consent form if you wish for us to reapply if needed.
- Remember to send your child with an extra change of clothes and a towel, write your child's name on them; they will be getting wet!
- Remember school begins at 8:30 and circle is at 8:45, please bring your child on time, this will help with transitions.
- If you have another child with you that is not enrolled at HRNS please keep them with you per Title 22.
If you have any questions feel free to talk to your child's teacher or come see me in the office!
- Miss Jen