Matching Gifts, Last Call, and Yellow Door MWF AM Class Project

Does your employer match donations to non-profit organizations?

If you are planning to make a donation during our Fund-A-Need appeal on auction night, please check to see if your employer will make your pledge count twice as much. Better yet, why not ask if they would be willing to match all the pledges of the appeal?? Questions? Email:

Last Call for Auction Items:

If you are planning to donate any gift cards, collector’s items, or need to follow up with any potential donors - please do so this week. We are looking to have all donation into the office by Monday, April 4. Thanks to everyone who has already contributed so far, we are going to have an amazing line-up of appealing items!

Our next Class Project comes from Yellow Door MWF, AM!

Check out these charming works of art made by our student’s finger prints! Special thanks must be given to the Angela Hsiao for spearheading this project.

Finally, don’t forget to pay for your tickets in the front office and then email: to let us know how many will be in your party and your choice of entree: Beef, Salmon, or Veggie. Please RSVP even if you do not plan to attend. All RSVPs must be received by April 15.