Week of October 4-10
Thank you very much for all your book orders and support. We had a great first reading club order that earned a lot of books for our school. Total Book Order Sales: $1,412 (Amazing!!!!!!) 38 families ordered, 253 books purchased, HRNS earned 13,612 bonus points. Bonus points are used for the teachers to buy books for our school and for Holiday gifts for our children. Paperback books range from 80 - 145 points, so our orders earned approx. 120 books for our school.
HRNS earned a $35 instant credit bonus to purchase books at the time the order was placed. 10 books were purchased. HRNS also earned 14 free books that will be used for prizes at the Monster Book Fair. A parent asked me a great question about ordering from the Scholastic Book Club throughout the year. Books can be purchased anytime on line, and HRNS will get credit and points. Every month, Scholastic sends us flyers. They are in the office. To get the points, Miss Jen has to be listed as your teacher, and you will need to contact me so that I can submit your order. We will have two more school on line order events. We have the big school wide orders so that we qualify for larger bonuses. Before our next order, I will put flyers and information in your mailboxes. I will be sending out more information this month about our Monster Book Fair, 11/16-11/20. Thank you again!!!!!!!!!
Sherri Crookshanks
Book Fair Chair
Grace's mom Blue Door

Thank you for attending our Parent Education Night we had a great turn out and hope that we addressed any concerns or questions you may have had. If you have any questions do not hesitate to call the office. Picture Days are coming up, make sure to keep an eye out for picture forms! See you all this week!
- Miss Jenn